Artwork - Wildflowers
Photos of wildflowers in Utah.
Type of Aster?
Moab, Utah
October 2001
50 mm lens, Kodak Royal Gold 200, tripod used.
This might be a Hoary Aster (Machaeranthera canescens).
Moab, Utah
October 2001
50 mm lens, Kodak Royal Gold 200, tripod used.
I believe this is some type of Paintbrush.
Bryce Canyon, Utah
May 2002
50 mm lens, Kodak Royal Gold 200, tripod used.
I suspect this is Skyrocket (Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. aggregata).
Possible Springbeauty
Logan Canyon, Utah
April 2003
50 mm lens, Fuji 800, tripod used; Spring 2003.
Possibly a relative of Springbeauty (Claytonia lanceolata).
Globe Mallow
Moab, Utah
October 2003
50 mm lens, Fuji 200 print film, tripod used.
I suspect this is, or is related to, Orange Globe Mallow, Muro Globemallow (Sphaeralcea munroana).
Lavender Aster/Daisy
Moab, Utah
October 2003
50 mm lens, Fuji 200 print film, tripod used.
I suspect this is, or is related to, Tansy-Leaf Aster or Tohoka Daisy (Machaeranthera tanacetifolia).
Blue Flax
Near Koosharem, Utah
May 2005
50 mm lens, Fuji 200 print film, tripod used.
I suspect this is Wild Blue Flax, Blue Flax or Lewis Flax (Linum perenne or Linum lewisii).
White Phlox
Manti Canyon, Utah
May 2005
50 mm lens, Fuji 200 print film, tripod used.
I suspect these are, or are related to, Cushion Phlox or Hood's Phlox (Phlox hoodi).
Wasatch Bluebell
Manti Canyon, Utah
May 2005
50 mm lens, Fuji 200 print film, tripod used.
I suspect this is known as Wasatch Bluebell or Short-styled Bluebell (Mertensia brevistyla).
White Primrose
Sheep Creek Canyon, Utah
May 2005
50 mm lens, Fuji 200 print film, tripod used.
I suspect this is a White-stemmed Evening Primrose (Oenothera pallida).
California Poppy
Butterfield Canyon, Utah
June 2005
50 mm lens, Fuji 200 print film, tripod used.
Appears to be a California Poppy, in Utah...