Part 6: The Voyage Home

268 Pilot Mixable Colour Green
After taking care of Marsell’s body, helping the Viscount bury his sons, and recovering their Infini-packs, Quin, Makhabesh, and Essri escaped the isle of Diaminnia as quickly as they could. Viscount E showed them a way around the orange field. The Earl of Grey, whose skin had taken on a slight purplish hue, stood on the beach waving good-bye. Once back on the continent, they bought passage on a ship down the coast to the port closest to Lamyton. The message paper from Quin’s mother had only one new message: “Hope you’re on the way and safe. Love, Mom.”

269 Private Reserve Infinity Violet
As they made their way through Port Pelican, Essri peered at the signs, amazed by the new world that had opened to him thanks to there being nothing else to do during the voyage. “Co-o, no, coo-per, cooper! What’th a cooper?” “Someone who makes barrels,” Quin said absently. “Oh,” Essri replied. “No cooperth in thnek villageth.” Makhabesh smacked the back of Quin’s head with a wing. “What’s wrong, wizard boy?” “Huh? Oh, nothing. It’s just, I haven’t been to Lamyton in years, and, well, Mom didn’t say if Dad’s alright. I guess I’m just worried, that’s all.”

270 Diplomat Orchid
While the others were asleep, Quin’s staff said, “I’ve figured out your true name.” Quin felt a stab of worry. “Really?” “I’ve also consulted with the trees. If you’re ready, I believe we should link.” Quin’s head spun. “I’m ready! Aren’t I?” He heard laughter like rustling leaves. “You kept me with you and protected me on Diaminnia, even when we couldn’t talk. That shows loyalty. Soon we’ll be among other wizards. One could steal me if we aren’t linked.” “I wouldn’t let that happen.” “You aren’t the most powerful wizard in the world, Quin.”

271 Noodler's X-Feather Black
“I still wouldn’t let it happen,” Quin asserted. “You are loyal. If you still wish to link with me, I choose to link with you.” Quin nodded vigorously. “Yes, I want us to link.” “Your true name - never speak it aloud or write it - is Saklar - Finisher.” Quin fell silent. Finisher. Is that what he was? He did hate giving up. But he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. “Your true name doesn’t represent your only strength, Quin, just the one that rules you.” “So, what now?” “First, you, Makhabesh, and Essri can call me Vika.”

272 KWZ El Dorado
“Vika,” Quin said with a smile. “I’m really glad to have a name for you.” “But that isn’t my true name,” Vika continued. “That is Frelsara.” Quin barely kept himself from repeating his staff’s true name. It was so beautiful. “What does it mean?” “Wise protector - the gifts from the earth and my mother tree.” Quin nodded. “So, what do we do now?” “We need a drop of your blood…” When the ritual and spell were complete, Quin removed his hand from Vika’s sphere, and said in his mind, “Can you hear me now?”

273 Pilot Mixable Colour Turquoise
As they walked from the portal into Lamyton, Makhabesh said, “So if Essri, Vika, and I all get enchantments we could talk mind to mind without having to touch her sphere?” “Exactly,” Quin said. “Hmm. I was hoping for one of those speed-altering enchantments, but I guess being able to have secret conversations would be good.” People began to watch as they entered a busier part of town. “Why are they all thtaring at uth?” Quin glanced around. “I don’t know.” He hurried along a handful of streets before stopping outside a stone house. After pausing, he knocked.

274 Aurora Black
“Well, if it isn’t the former fifth wizard. Come to embarrass us further?” “Hello, Simon,” Quin said. “This is Simon, my oldest brother…” When the introductions were done, Quin realized he was still standing on the doorstep. “Are you going to let us in? I’m here to see Mom and Dad, not you.” Quin had hoped not to see any of his siblings at their parents’ house. “What did you do to antagonize that sorcerer anyway?” Quin shoved his way past his brother just as his mother appeared at the foot of the stairs beyond them. “Quin!” she said, spreading her arms.

275 Herbin Éclat de Saphir
“Dad’s going to die just like the others and you’re hugging the man responsible,” Simon said. “It’s not Quin’s fault and I’m not discussing this again,” their mother replied. Simon slammed the door on his way out. Quin felt more uncomfortable than ever. After settling Essri and Makhabesh in the kitchen with some snacks, Quin followed his mom upstairs. “Your father is stable, if not well. The healers can’t figure it out…” As she filled him in on his father’s condition, Quin tried to think what to say. In the end, he simply said, “There’s a powerful wizard who owes us a favor.”

276 Noodler's Pasternak
Quin and his friends only stayed overnight. Even Vika couldn’t guess how to heal Quin’s father. They learned that the people of Lamyton didn’t look favorably on Quin, despite his mother’s efforts to explain that Marsell alone was responsible. Quin didn’t dare tell his mother what he’d done, for fear of unintended consequences if word got around. In the early morning hours, they took the portal to Norvelt. “I’m sorry—” “Don’t worry about it,” Makhabesh interrupted. “Enchantments can wait,” Essri added. “We’ll have other chances for those,” Vika said. “Right now we need to find a way to heal your father.”

277 Pelikan 4001 Turquoise
“Last stop,” Vika said as they approached a huge Ironwood tree. Quin was secretly relieved. The trees had guided Vika from one valuable ingredient to the next, but Quin was anxious to get to Ferovere in hopes the High Wizard could help his father. “Whoa!” Essri cried. Quin came to himself and gaped as the soil under the tree began to churn. He hopped back. “Don’t fear,” Vika said. While Quin stared, an old, worn pack rose out of the earth, pushed by tree roots. “A gift from the tree,” Vika said. “And from a wizardess who came here to die.”

278 Rohrer & Klingner Königsblau
Quin opened the pack the roots had pushed out of the ground. He found a purse with some coins, a hard leather tube, and a huge book. He quickly flipped through the book. “It has everything,” he said. “Spells, potions, enchantments…” He uncapped the tube and pulled out two rolled documents. “A deed to a house just outside Ferovere. And a letter. Her name was Aiyana. She’s giving us the house and everything in it…” He turned the tube and dumped out three more items: two magical keys shaped like large coins, and a magic compass to lead them to the house.

279 Pilot Mixable Colour Light-green
After only a moment, Quin put everything back in Aiyana’s pack and put it in his Infini-pack. “The High Wizard first. Once we find someone to help my dad, then we can worry about this house.” In just over an hour, they approached the gates of Ferovere. “A green squirrel’s been following us,” Makhabesh said. “I thaw him too.” Quin glanced around, but couldn’t spot any squirrels, green or otherwise. “Maybe he was hoping for food.” At the gates, a guard said, “You’re late.” “Late?” Quin asked. The guard pointed. “You’ll have to run if you want to hear the High Wizard’s speech.”

280 Platinum Chou Kuro
Quin used his speed-altering enchantment to run to the palace. A man on a balcony of the palace droned on about how the people of the Wizardlands had nothing to fear. Quin made his way closer. The man ordered anyone with knowledge of Marsell or “recent disturbances in magic” to report it to the palace. Then the man and his guards left the balcony and people started to leave. “Excuse me,” Quin said to the man beside him. “Wasn’t the High Wizard supposed to speak?” “That was the High Wizard.” “Since when?” Makhabesh asked. “More than a decade,” the man said.

281 Papier Plume Sazerac
“Wha—” Makhabesh began. “Thank you,” Quin said, interrupting Makhabesh. He hurried away to a less-crowded part of the square. “Not here,” he whispered. “We need to go talk somewhere private.” Inside he was almost in a panic. What had they done? Who was the man they’d met on the other side of the Muirdoor? Just as they reached the edge of the square, someone behind them shouted, “Stop!” Then the nearest guards looked at Quin. He glanced back. A guard there called, “Wizard Quin of Calliopolis?” “Yes,” Quin said. “You are summoned to an audience with the High Wizard. Come with me.”

282 Diamine Bilberry
Please tell Essri and Makhabesh not to talk about what we’ve done, Quin asked Vika as he shifted her to his other hand and leaned her back toward Makhabesh. All too soon they were ushered into a room with the High Wizard, his personal aide, and the geometric counselor they’d met before. “We should take that staff back,” the personal aide muttered. “We’re linked,” Quin said. The aide’s eyebrows rose. “Nevermind that,” the High Wizard said. “We have far more important issues to deal with. You helped capture Marsell, did you not?” “Yes, sir.” The High Wizard proceeded to ask all about Marsell.

283 Sailor Blue
“Well, if you encounter Marsell again,” the High Wizard concluded, “contact the palace immediately. That’s all.” “Yes, sir. Um, could I ask though if there’s someone who can help my father? No one’s been able to heal him from the mold plague.” “I’m sorry, young man, we have more important and urgent matters than healing one man. You’ll have to find a healer yourself.” Quin didn’t speak again until they were well away from the palace. “What a jerk.” “Who needs him,” Makhabesh said. Quin fished the magic compass from his pack and followed it to Aiyana’s house.

284 Sailor Kin-mokusei
Quin stood outside Aiyana’s property consulting with Vika about whether it was really safe to use the magical key when Essri suddenly whispered, “Don’t look, but that squirrel is back.” “Impossible,” Quin said. “We’re on the opposite side of the city.” “Unless green squirrels are common, it’s the same one.” “Where?” Makhabesh said. “Wait,” Quin said. “If it’s really following us, you should take Essri and try to follow it when it leaves.” After a hasty plan, Makhabesh took to wing, and as hoped, the squirrel scurried back to the city, leading to a door at the back of the palace.